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What is self Care?

/selfˈker/ noun the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.

Parenthood With Self Care in Mind

Self care is essential for building a strong and healthy relationship with your baby. However most women tend to experience self neglect during motherhood. Some even believe that tending to their own needs is selfish or inconsiderate. The Parent Gadget educate mothers on the importance of self care and how it can strengthen their parenting skills. The Parent Gadget offers advice, tips, and products for all things self care, pregnancy, parenting, and family dynamics. Whether you are a working mom, full time mom, or both, you are guaranteed to see the various highs and lows of your children. The Parent Gadget is the best place to learn about self care while navigating the unpredictable world of parenthood.

Self Care Before, During, & After Pregnancy

Putting Self Care First Can Help You Become a Better Parent

As a parent, it's natural to put the needs of your children first. From early morning wake-ups to after-school activities and homework, your days can quickly become a blur of caring for others. But what if we told you that putting yourself first could actually make you a better parent?  It might sound counterintuitive, but self-care can improve your overall wellbeing and give you the energy and clarity you need to be the best parent you can be. Whether it's taking a yoga class, reading a book, or simply taking a bubble bath, making time for yourself is essential for your physical and mental health. 

the parent gadget self care before during and after pregnancy

Physical Self Care Tips