Baby at 12 Weeks

Baby at 12 weeks has fully developed weighing in at a stomping half ounce. In the next coming weeks their little body will concentrate on gaining weight and height. Sex organs have fully developed, however, some doctors wait until 16 weeks or the 20 week anatomy scan to determine gender to be accurate. Your baby is now the size of a plum. Although your little one is moving constantly, they are still too small for you to feel their kicks.
Their digestive system is becoming more active and your baby is now able to swallow. The digestive tract is contracting which is needed to digest food. Baby’s kidneys are functioning and they are able to produce urine. Your baby’s bone marrow is hard at work making white blood cells that they will need to build their immune system and fight off infection.
Your Body at 12 Weeks Pregnant
At 12 weeks pregnant you are 3 months pregnant and at the end of the first trimester. Your uterus is now starting to protrude from your pelvic bone as your womb and baby grows. This is a good thing because this can help alleviate constant urination. If you find yourself becoming dizzy, it’s called by the increased production of progesterone. Your body is making it easier to supply blood to your baby by opening up your blood vessels. Blood is constantly being circulated to your baby, however, it is delayed for you causing dizziness.
Along with occasional dizziness, you may experience a low sex drive. You can blame this on your hormones. However not all women experience a low sex drive. Sometimes pregnancy can increase it. It is difficult to become aroused if you are still battling pregnancy symptoms. Try to alleviate your symptoms to see if that can improve your sex drive. The second trimester is right around the corner and it has been known to be the easiest trimester of pregnancy.