Delivering a baby is a major accomplishment. Your body goes through so many changes in order to carry that baby to full term. One of the changes is weight gain. During pregnancy a woman can gain a substantial amount of weight. Losing postpartum weight can be difficult, especially when caring for a newborn. Nevertheless, it is important for you to be at an healthy weight so you can care for your baby and avoid health issues that are accompanied with being overweight or obese.
This post is about losing postpartum weight
Average Weight Loss 6 Weeks Postpartum
When you deliver your baby, you will get an early start on your weight loss journey. With the weight of the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid, you can lose thirteen to fifteen pounds instantly at delivery.
How to Lose Postpartum Weight
1. Don’t Compare Your Journey to Others
One of the most important things when losing postpartum weight is not to compare your journey to others. Everybody is different. You might lose weight quickly or have difficulty doing so. However, it is important that you don’t beat yourself up and give yourself adequate time for your body to adjust.
2. Breastfeed
Studies have shown that breastfeeding may contribute to weight loss. If you are breastfeeding, it’s important to eat a healthy nutritious diet. If you are not able to breastfeed, there are still other things you can do to lose weight.
3. Eat a Healthy Diet
Eighty percent of weight loss is contributed to the foods you eat. Eating a balanced diet will give you the nutrients you need to maintain a high energy level. Consuming excessive carbohydrates and empty calories will only contribute to weight gain. Drinking plenty of water can also help you lose weight.
4. Exercise
The other major factor in weight loss is exercising. When you exercise on a daily basis, you are burning calories. Being in a calorie deficit will jump-start your weight loss journey. Before starting an exercise routine, make sure that you get the all-clear from your doctor.
5. Reduce Stress
If you are trying to lose weight but are having difficulty doing so, stress might be the culprit. When you are under stress, your body increased cortisone, the “stress hormone”. This can make you overeat, causing significant weight gain.
What You Should Know About Postpartum Weight
1. Losing Any Weight Takes Time
Losing any kind of weight takes time. You also want to lose weight in a healthy manner. Do not try to lose weight quickly. This can cause significant health issues. Speak with your doctor about your weight loss journey and how much you should be losing.
2. You Will Lose Some of Your Baby Weight Instantly
You will have an advantage when trying to lose postpartum weight. Although you will have a head start, it’s important not to waste it. Try to exercise and eat a healthy diet to ensure that the scale is going in the right direction.
3.You Will Still Have a Baby Bump During Postpartum Recovery
It will take some time for your body to bounce back from delivering your baby. You might have stretch marks and loose skin. That is okay. After you have given birth, you will still have a baby bump so don’t throw out your pregnancy clothes too quickly. This is because your uterus will have to shrink back to its normal size.
4. Your Body Will Be Different After Giving Birth
Your body will not be the same after having a baby. Your joints may hurt or you might have muscle pains. Acne and of course, weight gain, will almost be eminent. Give yourself time to adjust to your new body. With time and hard work, you will be able to reach your goal.
5. Dreaded Mom Pooch
Have you ever heard of the mom apron? It’s fat that accumulates in your lower stomach and it hangs. This is frustrating to have and it makes wearing clothes uncomfortable. This also leads you to feel insecure about your body because nothing seems to fit right. There are several exercises that you can do to help tighten your stomach muscles.
6. Sleep Deprivation Plays a Part in Your Weight Loss Journey
When you have a newborn, it seems there is no time to sleep. However, sleep is needed when you are on a weight loss journey and having a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to delegate some of the responsibility to your partner or a trusted family member.