If you are experiencing skin tags while pregnant, you might be wondering why these little growths are appearing more frequently now. Pregnancy is a time of immense change for your body, with hormones causing a variety of physical transformations. One of these transformations might be the appearance of skin tags. In this article, we will unravel the mystery behind why skin tags become more common during pregnancy.

Dealing With Skin Tags While Pregnant
What are Skin Tags?
Skin tags, also referred to as acrochordons in medical terms, are tiny, benign growths that are generally harmless. These growths usually have the same color as your skin or could be slightly darker. They are characterized by their appearance, often looking like small pieces of skin that are hanging. These benign growths can develop almost anywhere on the body.
However, they tend to frequently appear in areas where skin naturally folds or rubs against itself. Common locations include the neck, armpits, under the breasts, and the groin area. Despite their somewhat unusual appearance, skin tags do not typically cause any pain or discomfort unless they are frequently rubbed or scratched.
The Connection Between Pregnancy and Skin Tags
Skin tags and pregnancy might seem like an unusual connection, but many pregnant women notice an uptick in the presence of these benign growths during this time. More specifically, the incidence of skin tags tends to escalate during the second and third trimesters.
What fuels this sudden development? It’s primarily the hormonal fluctuations that are characteristic of pregnancy. As your body undergoes the unique process of growing another human being, there are radical changes in hormone production. These alterations in your body’s hormonal landscape are linked to the sudden emergence and proliferation of skin tags.
Notably, these hormonal changes are not just restricted to the usual suspects – estrogen and progesterone. In fact, there’s also a surge in growth hormones. This influx of hormones encourages your skin cells to divide faster than usual, which can lead to the formation of skin tags.
Another contributing factor to the occurrence of skin tags during pregnancy is the natural weight gain associated with this period. Weight gain can cause increased skin friction, especially in areas where the skin folds or rubs against itself, like the neck, armpits, and groin. This friction can further stimulate skin tag development.
In essence, the physiological and hormonal changes that come with pregnancy can create the perfect environment for the growth of skin tags. While this may be an unexpected and sometimes unwelcome side effect of pregnancy, it’s a relatively common occurrence.
Why are Skin Tags More Frequent During Pregnancy?
The heightened prevalence of skin tags during pregnancy is fundamentally tied to hormonal alterations that are part and parcel of this phase. The hormone production in your body gets amplified when you are expecting, with an emphasis on growth hormones. This hormonal boost results in your skin cells dividing at an accelerated pace, thereby laying the groundwork for skin tag formation.
Another key aspect is the typical weight gain during pregnancy. As your body changes, the increase in body mass can trigger more skin-to-skin contact, particularly in areas where skin naturally folds or rubs together. This escalated friction can act as a catalyst for the growth of skin tags.
It’s also worth noting that while skin tags can seem more prevalent during pregnancy, they don’t pose any serious health risks. It’s simply an organic response to the significant physiological changes your body is undergoing.
Are Skin Tags While Pregnant a Cause for Concern?
The emergence of skin tags during pregnancy may seem worrisome. However, they’re generally benign growths that don’t pose a significant health threat to either the mother or the unborn baby. These harmless protrusions are not indicative of any underlying medical condition.Most importantly, they aren’t associated with an increased risk of skin cancer. While the visual aspect and potentially uncomfortable location of these skin tags can be a nuisance, they usually don’t lead to any severe discomfort or pain.
However, it’s important to pay attention to any changes in these growths. If you notice a skin tag altering in color, size, or shape, or if it starts causing pain or itchiness, it’s prudent to seek medical advice. Such changes could suggest the presence of a different skin issue rather than a benign skin tag. As a rule of thumb, monitoring any skin changes and discussing them with a healthcare professional should be an integral part of prenatal care.
How Can Skin Tags Be Treated During Pregnancy?
It’s not uncommon for individuals, especially pregnant women, to want to remove skin tags for aesthetic purposes or if they’re causing discomfort. However, during pregnancy, it’s important not to try removing these growths yourself. Seeking professional help ensures safe and effective treatment.
Medical professionals use a variety of methods for skin tag removal. One option is surgical removal. This involves a healthcare provider cutting the skin tag off with a scalpel or a pair of sterile scissors. Another method is cryotherapy, which involves the use of extreme cold to freeze the skin tag off. Alternatively, cauterization might be used, where the skin tag is burned off using a tool that is heated with electricity.
Although these are all viable options, if the skin tags aren’t causing any problems, many medical professionals often suggest waiting until after the baby is born to consider removal. The reason is that hormonal levels typically balance out after childbirth. Which could lead to skin tags shrinking or even disappearing spontaneously.
It’s also important to remember that everyone’s skin reacts differently to treatments. It’s best to discuss these options with your healthcare provider to determine the most suitable treatment method for you. Your health and your baby’s health should always be the top priority.
Tips to Prevent Skin Tags While Pregnant
Navigating through pregnancy is already a complex journey, and you may be seeking ways to minimize the frequency of skin tags. Although it’s not entirely possible to eradicate the chance of developing these benign growths, certain lifestyle adjustments might help in reducing their occurrence.
Firstly, try to keep a tab on your weight gain. Pregnancy will naturally result in weight increase, but a steady and balanced gain could potentially lower the chances of excessive skin friction, a significant catalyst for skin tag development.
Keeping your skin clean and dry is another effective measure. Particularly in the areas where skin comes into contact with itself, maintaining cleanliness and dryness can decrease the possibility of skin tag emergence.
Lastly, the type of clothing you choose to wear can also play a role. Opting for loose-fitting clothes and steering clear of fabrics that may create unnecessary friction against your skin could be beneficial in preventing skin tag growth.
It’s important to remember that these are just preventative measures and not guaranteed solutions. Skin tags may still appear during pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations and other changes. However, following these tips could at least help you manage the situation better. As always, discuss any skin changes or concerns with your healthcare provider to ensure you and your baby’s well-being.