Have you ever wondered what does normal baby poop look like? It can be difficult to tell if your baby’s bowel movements are within the range of typical. To help parents and caregivers understand what to expect, we’ll explain in this blog post what typical baby poop looks like and how it changes with age.
The first few days of a baby’s life will usually result in sticky, black, tar-like meconium stools. This is expected and normal as the baby transitions to digesting breast milk or formula. After the first couple of days, the baby’s stool should begin to become lighter and looser, generally ranging from yellow-green to yellow-brown in color.
Breastfed babies may also have soft and sometimes watery stools with mild odor. Formula-fed babies will tend to have firmer stools that are more yellow or tan in color. The texture can vary from soft to semi-solid and they may contain small seed-like particles.
No matter what type of feeding, it is important to remember that a baby’s stool patterns can vary and there is no need to worry unless the baby seems uncomfortable or if there are signs of a diaper rash.
Babies on Formula
If your baby is formula-fed, you can expect their poop to be more solid and tan in color. Formula-fed babies typically produce three to four bowel movements a day, but this number can vary from baby to baby. The consistency of baby poop on formula should look like a soft serve ice cream, where it sticks to the side of the diaper but is still easily removed.
Formula-fed babies may also experience different colored poops depending on the type of formula they are drinking. Some common colors are yellow, green, and brown. This is normal and shouldn’t cause any alarm if you happen to notice that your baby’s poop has changed color. However, if the color persists or if there is blood or mucus present in the stool, it’s best to speak with your doctor right away.
Breastfed Babies
When it comes to understanding what normal baby poop looks like for a breastfed baby, it is important to note that it can vary quite a bit. Generally speaking, breastfed babies tend to have more liquid and yellowish-brown stools that are often described as seedy or even curdy.
These poops may also contain small white flecks, which is undigested milk fat. The smell of breastfed baby poop is often not as strong as formula-fed babies but still may have an odor to it.
If your baby is exclusively breastfed, then their bowel movements should be a mustard-like yellow color and quite runny in texture. This type of poop is completely normal and a sign that your baby is getting enough to eat. It’s also not unusual for their poop to contain bits of undigested food like small seeds or skin from vegetables.
It is important to keep in mind that all babies are different and there will be some variation from baby to baby. As long as your baby’s poop is soft and easy to pass, you don’t need to worry. If you ever have any concerns about the appearance of your baby’s poop, make sure to talk to your pediatrician.
Older Babies
As babies get older, they will continue to have poop that looks different from what adults experience. This is because their digestive systems are still developing and they are consuming different kinds of food. Older babies typically have more solid, formed poop that looks like small logs or pebbles.
This type of poop may be yellow, brown, tan, green, or even red in color. It usually does not have a bad odor, though there may be an occasional scent. The consistency of the poop may vary depending on the baby’s diet and how much liquid they consume. If a baby is eating mostly solids, then their poop will likely be more solid. If a baby is drinking a lot of liquids, then the poop will be softer and more liquid-like.