Getting a big fat positive is a major victory while trying to conceive. However sometimes that positive pregnancy test can turn negative. This can be devastating and probably not the outcome you were expecting. A loss this early while expecting is called a chemical pregnancy. Finding out that you have had a chemical pregnancy can be discouraging, especially if you are having difficulty conceiving.
Knowing the symptoms and treatment of an early loss can help you better understand your body. Sometimes an early loss is caused by an underline condition or occurs on its own. A loss of a child is a loss no matter when it occurs. However, it is important to know that in most cases you can try again and chemical pregnancies do not have a negative impact on you conceiving.
What is a Chemical Pregnancy
An early loss occurs within the first five weeks of pregnancy. This can be caused during the development of the egg. When an egg is fertilized, it embeds itself into the uterine lining. Here the egg will grow and receive all the nutrients it needs to develop. The placenta is developed by the hormone hCG during this time as well.
However, with an early loss of pregnancy, implantation into the uterine lining is not completed. The embryo and placenta does not mature. This can be caused by an egg having too many or not enough chromosomes or a chromosome abnormality. An egg can just simply stop maturing. This leads to a chemical pregnancy. Other factors such as health issues and consuming alcohol can cause an early loss in pregnancy.
Having a chemical pregnancy can make you second-guess yourself and your body. An early loss in pregnancy is normal, especially in women who are over 35. If you are using IVF to conceive, you are more prone to having a chemical pregnancy. The important thing to remember is to not beat yourself up about your loss. Although some people may view an early loss of pregnancy as not a loss at all, it’s important to know that your baby does matter no matter what stage of life it was in when it passed.
- Taking an early pregnancy test and receiving a positive result and taking another one later and getting a negative result.
- Heavy cramping and bleeding after a positive pregnancy test during the first five weeks.
- Bright red spotting
There is no treatment for an early loss of pregnancy. Once the process has started, there is nothing that can be done to intervene. When you are experiencing a chemical pregnancy, it will be like having a menstrual cycle. You might bleed more during a chemical pregnancy. However, most women do not know that they are experiencing one. If you are aware of the chemical pregnancy, it’s important that you process your emotions and thoughts. After you’ve had time to grieve, and there are no medical concerns, you can try conceiving again. There is no definitive way to prevent an early loss in pregnancy. However, there are some things you can do to reduce your chances such as:
- Be at an healthy weight while trying to conceive
- Eat a healthy diet
- Exercise regularly
- Decrease stress
- Have a strong support system
What You Should Know
Trying to conceive can be emotionally draining, especially if you are experiencing losses. Conceiving can be harder for some than others, however, you must remember not to criticize yourself for having a difficult time. Your time will come when you bring your baby home and get to love on them. Make sure that you have a strong support group to help you through the difficult parts of trying to conceive. You are worthy of motherhood. Tend to your mental health during TTCing. It will make the experience even better.