Week 5 of pregnancy, you and your baby are working hard. Fatigue and tiredness may become a daily part of your life until 10-12 weeks. You might be anxious to tell everyone that you are expecting. However, consider waiting to make the big announcement especially if you have experienced loss in pregnancy or of a child. This will help lessen the feeling of disappointment that you may feel from others if your pregnancy is not successful. Your baby is still in a delicate state and miscarriages are possible this early on. Enjoy having this secret all to yourself and make the announcement when you and your partner are ready.
Baby’s Growth & Development

Your baby is still super tiny measuring the same size as an orange seed. However, they are hard at work to become the baby you will deliver. This week your baby’s heart is still developing developing, consisting of two channels. As your baby continues to grow, those two channels will fuse together and your baby will have a fully functioning heart. This is why the circulatory system is the first system that becomes functional in your baby. Although your little bean is making progress, you might not be able to see them on an ultrasound just yet.
Your Body During Week 5

Week 5 of pregnancy consists of exhaustion and hormonal changes. During this week, your body will be put into overdrive to produce the hormones to sustain your pregnancy. Estrogen is the main contributing hormone that increases the production of progesterone and hCG. These hormones are crucial to supporting the life of the placenta and prevent you from having contractions. With all the work your body is doing and all that needs to be done, it is completely normal to feel tired and fatigue during this time. This can last for some weeks while your body adjusts to your growing baby.