Getting your baby to sleep through the night is a major flex especially during the earlier months of their life. The sooner you can get your baby to sleep through the night, the more rest and energy you will have to take care of them. If you find that your baby is constantly waking up during the night there may be something bothering them. Here are 6 reasons why your baby is waking up in the middle of the night & what to do about it.
1. Hunger
There is nothing worse than trying to go to bed hungry especially when you are a baby. If your baby is waking up in the middle of the night hunger might be the culprit. Babies tend to need feedings throughout the night until they are 8-10 months old. Dream feed your baby and they will go right back to sleep.
2.Wet Diaper
Along with being hungry, having a wet diaper will for sure wake your baby up in the middle of the night. When your baby is in the first few months of their life, being wet will not be an option for them. However as your baby gets older and learn to control their bladder this will not be much of an issue. It is best to have a good diaper that will absorb moisture and keep your little one dry throughout the night to decrease their chances of waking up. I like using Pamper Overnight Diapers. My son is 16 months old and urinates so much throughout the night. Pamper Overnight Diapers keeps him and the bed dry until morning.
When your baby is fussy and refusing to sleep they might be sick. If your child is refusing to go back to sleep check for signs of illness such as fever, coughing, vomiting, runny stool, and rashes. Tend to your baby by giving them the appropriate medicine and comforting them. In the event that your baby is still fussing and they are sick they may need to see their pediatrician.
Having a crying back in the middle of the night is overwhelming. Knowing that you went down the list of making sure that your baby is fed, burped, and dry can be frustrating. However it is important to keep your composure. Colic is when your baby is crying for no apparent reason. The crying spell can last for a few hours. Having gas has been associated with a colicky baby but they are two separate issues. Make sure that your baby is well burped and have no gas on their stomach. Also try doing bicycle pedals to work out any gas.
5. They Went to Bed Too Early
Letting your baby take a nap a few hours before bedtime will have them up in the middle of the night. With newborn babies they sleep when they want to. It is no taming them when they are that small. However around 7 months you should be able to prevent your baby from napping so close to bed time. Keeping your baby engaged and entertained is a great way to make sure they do not get bored and fall asleep too close to bed time.
6. Baby is Uncomfortable
I never realized how picky babies could be about the smallest things. Both my son and daughter would not go to sleep if it was too hot in the house. My daughter who is five years old refuses to go to bed if she does not have her cuddly. The point is you have to know your baby’s quirks in order to get them to go to bed and keep them sleep the whole night. Do not send your baby to bed with excessive clothes on. A sleeper should suffice. Do not put toys and heavy blankets in their bed as this could be potentially hazardous. Sing them a lullaby or cuddle with them. Sometimes babies just want things done their way and that is perfectly fine.