Trying to conceive (TTCing) can be an unpredictable rollercoaster ride. With trying to baby dance and tracking ovulation, it can be tiresome and overwhelming. The two week wait can cause anxiety wondering if this is your cycle you will get your big fat positive (BFP). However, sometimes your body will give you signs of early pregnancy symptoms. Knowing early pregnancy symptoms will help alleviate some of your anxiety while waiting for your BFP.
1. Missed Period
The most common sign of pregnancy is a missed period. A missed period is caused by your body not producing the hormone to ovulate. Without this hormone, you will not shed your uterine lining that will be needed to support a fertilized egg.
Cramping can be caused by a fertilized eggs being implanted into your uterine lining. Here, the fertilized egg will grow and mature into your baby. You also will experience cramping due to your uterus growing to support your baby and an increase in progesterone.
3.Spotting Two Days Before Period
It is normal to have some spotting during the early weeks of pregnancy. This is caused by the fertilized egg implanting into your uterine wall.After this process is complete, you may see some brownish red discharge. If you are experiencing heavy bleeding or something similar to your period, seek medical attention right away. You might be experiencing a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
4.Headaches in Early Pregnancy
Are you experiencing headaches? This might be a sign that you are in fact a pregnant lady. Headaches are caused by your hormones changing to support the life of your baby. Other reasons why you might have headaches during early pregnancy is that you are sleep deprived, dehydrated, or malnourished.
5.Changes in Breasts Caused by Pregnancy
Early pregnancy can cause your breast to be enlarged and sore. Your areoles might become darker and bigger. To help with tender breast, make sure that you are wearing the right size bra. When you are at home relaxing, try not to wear your bra to help alleviate the pain.
6.Aches & Pains
Being pregnant can make you feel aches and pain that you have never felt before. From your back to your feet, you are bound to feel the growing pains of pregnancy. However, in most cases you will not feel as many aches and pains during the first weeks of pregnancy. If you are experiencing unusual pain, talk with your OBGYN right away.
7.Increased Temperature
Are you constantly hot or your temperature keeps changing? Is is most likely due to you being pregnant. You experience a change in your body temperature because your metabolism is increasing. Your body does this so that your blood vessels can be wider to deliver the additional blood needed to support your growing baby.

Nausea is caused by the changing of your hormones. The hormones that are needed to create the placenta are released and this contributes to you being nauseous. To alleviate nausea, drink plenty of fluids and eat a light healthy diet.
9. Vomiting
Vomit is a very obvious sign of early pregnancy and again hormones are to blame. Vomiting during early pregnancy can be difficult to get through. It is important that you are getting all the nutrition that you need, but this can be difficult when everything make you want to vomit. To decrease the chances of vomiting, stay away from foods that will make you ill.
10.Why Do Women Get Bloated During Pregnancy?
A hormone called progesterone is the blame for most of the changes you will endure throughout your pregnancy. Bloating is caused by progesterone relaxing your muscles throughout your body, including your intestine. This causes your digestions system to slow down, causing significant bloating. Some remedies for bloating is eating light, resting, and taking medication.
11.Weight Gain/Loss
Due to bloating, vomiting, and increased appetite, you might find your clothes fitting differently. Some women will have an increased appetite in early pregnancy, while others might lose significant weight due to them not being able to keep anything down. With being a pregnant lady, you should buy some maternity clothes to fit your growing baby bump.
Another visible signs of pregnancy is acne. Acne is caused when your hormones increase. This leads to your body making a surplus of natural oils in the skin, causing your pores to clog. To get rid of acne during pregnancy clean your face, moisturized, and avoid touching your face.
13. Hair Growth/Loss
You might see significant changes in your hair. In some pregnancies, a woman’s hair will flourish and have a nice sheen to it. In other cases a woman will lose a significant amount of hair during pregnancy. This is due to your baby taking up most of the nutrient that you are consuming. This is why taking your prenatal vitamins are so important. It can supplement or help replace some of the nutrients you are lacking or losing due to pregnancy.
Advice for Pregnant Women
It is important that during the first weeks of pregnancy that you try to stay stress free and tend to your health. Schedule your prenatal visit as soon as possible. Most doctors will not let you schedule your first prenatal visit until twelve weeks of pregnancy unless you are high risk or have other health conditions. Nevertheless, in the mean time it is important that you take your prenatal vitamins and eat healthy. The first weeks of pregnancy is always the hardest because there is a chance of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. For more information on early pregnancy symptoms, visit the Cleveland Clinic.
This post is about pregnant lady.