In week 14 of pregnancy baby’s development & your body, your little one is sitting up straight and you have more energy. Read on to learn more about week 14 of pregnancy.
Baby at 14 Week
At 14 weeks gestation your baby is the size of a peach. Your baby is about 4 inches long and weighs around 2 ounces. Your baby’s reproductive organs have fully matured, however, it may be difficult to see them on a ultrasound. Nevertheless your baby is growing at a rapid rate and is now able to smile and they have even began to grow hair on their body. Although you might not have felt your baby move just yet, your baby is doing all types of spontaneous movements. Your baby’s digestive system is hard at work producing meconium which will be their first bowel movement after delivery.
Your Body at 14 Weeks Pregnant
At 14 weeks pregnant you are 3 1/2 months pregnant. As you enter the second trimester you will start to feel more energetic, have an increased appetite, and less nausea. You should see the reduction in visits to the bathroom but you might want to visit a maternity store for a new wardrobe. In week 14 of pregnancy you might have a small baby bump and don’t want to force your clothes to fit. This can cause stress and discomfort to you and your baby.
Although the second trimester is the easiest for most women, it is also when you will gain the most weight. Remember to eat a balance diet with plenty of grain, fruits, and vegetables. If you are constantly business and forgetting to eat, make sure you set a reminder to do so. Although your symptoms of pregnancy might have subsided, you might find yourself having a bout with acne. Try changing up your routine and washing your face more often and reduce your intake of sugar.