Baby’s Growth at 9 Weeks Pregnant
Week 9 of Pregnancy Baby Development and Your Body
This week your baby is around 22 millimeters measuring from their head to their bottom. While their body is growing, so are their taste buds. Your baby now has taste buds that will help them try out new food when they are ready. However, your baby still doesn’t have any fingers or toes. Although your baby’s eyes are still covered by their eyelids, they are starting to develop color. During this time your baby’s eyes can be a grayish or black color. Your baby’s true eye color will develop after birth.
Although all systems in your baby’s body have developed, they are just now starting to grow bones. Their genitals are also developing, however, you will not know the gender of your baby until 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Some doctors do genetic testing to test for genetic defects and abnormalities. This test can also tell you the gender of your baby if you choose to have them performed.
Your Body at 9 Week Pregnant
You might still be experiencing early pregnancy symptoms such morning sickness, tiredness, and fatigue. Food aversions may still be a problem during this time. It is important to maintain a healthy diet. Eating unhealthy can not only have a negative effect on your physical health but also on your mental health as well.
Having a balance diet can help with mood swings you may be having. If you are suffering from insomnia, try sleeping with a pregnancy pillow, lowering the temperature in your home, and lower your fluid intake before bed. Constant urination is normal during early pregnancy and will increase in later weeks as your growing baby presses on your bladder.
Good news about week 9 is that you should be able to hear your baby’s heart beat on a Doppler ultrasound. With 3 weeks left in the first trimester, early pregnancy symptoms should be subsiding soon. If you can no longer fit your clothes, you have a perfect excuse to go shopping! It is also important to have comfortable shoes to help with back pain and posture.