Baby’s Growth at 8 Weeks Pregnant
Week 8 of Pregnancy: Baby Development & Your Body
During Week 8 of pregnancy your baby is the size of a raspberry. Although your baby’s arms and legs are growing longer, distinctive features such as thighs, knees, ankles and toes are not prominent. However, some of your baby facial features such as eyelids, nose, and lips are forming. By the end of the 8th week of pregnancy all body systems and essential organs have fully developed. Even though you can not feel their flutters, your little one is moving and making spontaneous movements. Your baby is growing an astounding millimeter a day and this growth can happen anywhere on their body such as their legs or arms.
Your Body at 8 Week Pregnant
Around 8 weeks of pregnancy, your womb is the same size of a lemon. This may cause your clothes to fit tightly. It maybe time to go up a size or start a maternity wardrobe. While your womb is growing to accommodate your new guest, you’re most likely will still experience nausea, vomiting, and bloating. It is also normal to have increased vaginal discharge. This is caused by your ever changing hormones. If you experience bleeding or foul smelling discharge, contact your health care provider immediately.
To ensure that you and your baby are getting enough nutrients and to improve your overall health, make sure that you are eating plenty of fruit. Fruit have excellent dietary value and can help with morning sickness. Eating small nutritional meals can combat morning sickness, bloating, and constipation.
It is normal to experience headaches throughout your pregnancy especially early on. Headaches and neck pains occur due to your blood volume increasing and your hormones. Your blood volume will increase by 50 percent during pregnancy. Refer to your doctor to see what medications are suitable to treat headaches and pain during pregnancy.