This post is about how the haakaa helped me to create a surplus of breast milk
Trying to breastfeed my daughter was extremely difficult. She had difficulty latching and I was losing my patience with the whole process. Not to mention I was losing my breast milk supply because I was not draining my breast. I wanted to breastfeed her for several reasons such as the health benefits for me and her and building a stronger bond. However after about two months of trying I gave up breastfeeding my daughter completely.
When I found out that I was pregnant with my son, I decided to do more research and find breast pumps and other things that could make this breastfeeding journey a success. I had an electric breast pump, free hand breast pump, and a manual breast pump. However none of them were getting the job done. That is when I discovered the Haakaa. This is a must have for mothers who want to increase their breast milk supply and have a freezer full of breastmilk.
Benefits of The Haakaa That I Love
1. Easy to Use
The Haakaa is very easy to use. Make sure that your breast are clean. Squeeze the body of the Haakaa and place it over the center of your areola. This will make sure that your nipple is not being pinched and will give you the best results. This maneuver will take some getting use to. This can be even more difficult if you have large breasts. You will know that the Haakaa is placed on your breast correctly when you see your milk let down.Use the Haakaa while you are nursing your baby on the other breast so you don’t waste any milk.
2. Budget Friendly
The Haakaa is very inexpensive. You can find it at various retailers such as Amazon, Target, or BuyBuyBaby. The Haakaa costs no more than $20 and you will not have to buy any extra parts to maintain it. The prices will vary on the size that you get. I used them on both breast to increase my breast milk supply.
3.Easy to Clean
To clean your Haakaa, you can use a mild soap and warm water. Is the haakaa dishwasher safe? Absolutely! Put it in the dishwasher with your other dishes and it will be ready when you need it.
4.There is No Manual Pumping
Once you mastered how to put the haakaa on, it will be super easy to maintain. You can squeeze the body of the haakaa to help your let down come faster. However it is not necessary. If the haakaa is placed on your breast correctly, the suction from it will pump your milk out for your breasts without you have to do anything.
5. Non Stationary Breast Pump
When you are using the Haakaa, you do not have to be stationary. You can place it and forget it. When I was breastfeeding I would wear a baggy shirt and place it on my breast and pump while I did other things around the house.
How to Store Milk from a Haakaa
After you have pumped your milk, simply add it to a breast milk storage bag and put it in the freezer or refrigerator. Also don’t forget to put the date on the storage bag to keep track of expiration.
This is how the Haakaa helped me to create a surplus of breast milk. If this doesn’t work for you, keep trying. Contact a lactation specialist to see if there is anything they can do to help you with breastfeeding. If you are unsuccessful at breastfeeding, it doesn’t mean that you failed at being a mother. All your baby want is to be fed and loved. It doesn’t matter if it is breastmilk or formula. As long as you are doing all you can to take care of your baby, you are doing enough.