15 Signs Your Relationship is Ending
Those rough patches in a relationship can turn into the entire road. If you find yourself more miserable than happy in your relationship, it may be time to leave. Here are 15 signs a relationship is ending.
This post is about relationships is ending.
1. Constant Fighting
Believe it or not arguing is healthy if done right. Healthy arguing is each person keeping their composure and there is a dialogue. However, if you and your mate are fighting about the littlest things, it may be time to take a closer look at the relationship. Constant fighting can mean that there is an underline issue that needs to be explored before it destroys the relationship entirely.
2. No Communication
Having conversations with your mate can be relaxing. It gives you and your partner time to express how you are feeling, your needs, and wants. Have you noticed that after a major argument, you and your spouse are playing the silent game? Can you go days even weeks without talking to each other? If so, the issue needs to be addressed immediately. Healthy communication is imperative for a healthy relationship to thrive. Also know this, silence after an argument is not an apology. After an argument or disagreement, you both need to acknowledge that you were wrong if applicable and apologize.
3. No Accountability
Constantly blaming your spouse or them blaming you is a sign of no accountability. An adult is supposed to be able to acknowledge when they are wrong. Playing the blame game does not help anyone. It is just playing hot potato with the issue. If you are wrong, do not be too proud to say so. However, know when your spouse is putting the blame on you.
4. Infidelity
Cheating is the quickest way to put a relationship in the fast lane to splitville. When a relationship is established, each person knows what is expected of them. Cheating is never okay. I do not care if your mate is not meeting your needs. Leave them. I don’t care how difficult it may seem to do so. Leave them if they are not catering to your needs. Cheating will have them second-guessing the whole relationship and is a warning sign that the relationship is ending. If you break the bond that you have made with them, it will be very difficult or close to impossible for them to trust you again.
5. Social Media is More Important
It is okay to have social media accounts. It doesn’t have to be you and your spouse all the time. Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family and meet new people. Nevertheless, social media should not be used as a tool for infidelity. A person should also not spend all their free time on it. Your mate should not want to scroll through social media all day rather than spend time with you. Also, social media is not a place to discuss your relationship. There should be an established rule that disagreements or fallen outs don’t end up there.
6. Lack of Appreciation
You cook, clean, and tend to the children. Does your mate make you feel like you are not doing enough? Does he say, “That’s not really work?” This is a sign that the relationship is ending. Being a mother is tough. Being a full-time stay-at-home mother is even tougher (trust me I know.) Even though you may not have an employer, your mate should appreciate all that you do. Some women work and take care of the home. If your mate is downgrading your contributions, it may be time to be alone or find someone who will appreciate you.
7. No Quality Time
Time away from each other is important. It gives you time to miss your mate or sometimes you just need some personal alone time. However, you both should make it priority to spend quality time together. You can take a vacation, go out to dinner, or watch a movie at home. If your spouse is not spending quality time with you, nine times out of ten he is spending it somewhere else. Constantly forgetting important dates like holidays, anniversaries, or birthdays is no mistake.
8. Fantasizing About Leaving
Every once and a while it is okay to fantasize about having alone time with no kids and no husband or boyfriend. Taking a mental break is important and can help you do your various jobs more efficiently. However, if you wish your fantasy was a reality, you may want to consider terminating the relationship. In order to be in a relationship, you must be mentally there, not just physically. If you can’t keep your head in the game, these are signs a relationship is over.
9. Lack of Trust
Trust is a key element to a sound foundation in a relationship and marriage. Without it, a relationship can fall and crumble. If you don’t trust your spouse, they don’t trust you, or the feeling is mutual, you have a serious problem. It is possible to try and fix this issue. However, it is very difficult to do. Once the trust is gone, the relationship or marriage tends to dwindle out.
10. Lack of Intimacy
Like trust, intimacy is an important aspect of a relationship. I understand if there is a legit reason for not wanting to be intimate. But if your love life was full fledge in effect and then suddenly stop, you might want to see what is causing the issue. Every man has their own wants and needs that need to be satisfied. If you are not satisfying him, there is a chance that someone else is.
11. Avoidance
Avoidance is a worrisome sign that the relationship is coming to an end. If you avoid your mate at all costs, you might want to think about setting them free. Does your man avoid you? It is a difference between, “I don’t want to be around her because she is in a mood, and I just don’t want to be around her at all.”
12. You No longer See Them in Your Future
Can you picture yourself without your mate? Do you think about what life can be with someone new? If you have already thought about the single life or life with a new man, you should stop wasting your time. If you are holding on and not fixing the issues in the relationship or marriage, what are you doing?
13. Sabotage
Has your husband or boyfriend sabotaged an important event for you? When something good happens, do they downplay it or act like its not a big deal? This is a form of sabotage. Sabotage can happen due to jealousy. If they can no longer make you happy, they do not want you to be happy at all.
14. You Don’t Miss Them When They Are Gone
As I stated earlier, it is important to have personal time away from your partner. However, when they are gone for a long period time, do you miss them? When they go on a business trip or is gone all day, did you notice that they were gone? Or were you too busy enjoying their absence? When you are not around your mate, does their mood suddenly becomes uplifting? If so, that means that they do not care if you are there or not. It means that you are an option and not a necessity. These are signs that the relationship is over.
15. Their Presence is Draining
When you are around your mate does the life drain out of you? Do you suddenly feel depressed or sad? If you feel this way, it means that your partner is putting a mental strain on you. Every day should not be a battle to be with them. Why be happy half the time when you can increase your chances by leaving and being happy most or all the time?
For more information on how to tell if your relationship is ending, visit Brides.com
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