What is Linea Nigra?
Since being pregnant, have you noticed a dark vertical line going down your belly? The line is called the linea nigra. This line can come in various shades depending on your skin tone. In fact, before the linea nigra appears, it is actually a pale line called the linea alba. The line usually appears around the second trimester at about twenty weeks. This mark of pregnancy is normal and your line might appear earlier or later than other women. Don’t worry if your line is darker or lighter than others. According to research, linea nigra does not have an effect on you or your baby. It is just a beauty mark of pregnancy.
Researcher are not sure what causes the line on pregnant women’s stomach. However there is some evidence that hormones might play a role in the line appearing during pregnancy. Research suggests that the hormones progesterone and estrogen that make the areola darker during pregnancy, also makes the dark line on your stomach during pregnancy to appear.
Each pregnancy is different. The line might be darker, lighter, slender, or wider in each pregnancy. There is no definitive way to prevent the line from appearing. However there are some things you can try such as wearing sun screen and moisturizing your skin everyday.
Is it Permanent?
Although you will be sporting your badge of pregnancy for half of your pregnancy, the line on your stomach is not permanent. Once you have your baby and your hormones are back to normal, the line will start to disappear three to six months after delivery. Do not worry if part of the linea nigra is still visible after some time has passed. Think of it as a badge of honor from motherhood.